Health and Safety in the Workplace - Level 1

The aim of this award is to establish a foundation level of awareness concerning the key health and safety issues.

This course will help participants to

  • Understand the basic concepts and practices for key health and safety issues at the workplace and the important role one should play in keeping themselves and others free from any harm.

Who should attend?

  • Professionals working in a private or public sectors covering a large scale operations, with emphasis on manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and services industries.

Course duration

  • One day course
  • Six hours training
  • Two hours exam preparation

Training Methods and Techniques

  • Lectures
  • Group discussions
  • Case studies

Course Language

  • Both English and Arabic languages will be used

Assessment method

  • Multiple choice examinations (CIEH)

Accreditation body

  • British Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)

Advanced suggested courses for safety in the workplace progression upon completion of this course
CIEH level 2 in Health and Safety in the Workplace

Handouts and Certificates will be provided