Health and Safety in the Workplace - Level 2

The aim of this award is to establish a foundation level of awareness concerning the key health and safety issues.

This course will help participants to

  • Identify health and safety requirements imposed on employers and employees
  • Identify hazards and risks; main causes of harm on workers
  • Know the health, safety and welfare provisions in the workplace
  • Realize the importance of adhering to procedures, rules, and safe system of working
  • Identify hazards and how to control them in respect to safety and occupational health risks
  • Know how ones actions can reduce risks to health and safety

Who should attend?

  • Professionals working in a private or public sectors covering a large scale operations, with emphasis on manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and services industries.

Course duration

  • Two day course
  • Five hours training / Day
  • Two hours exam preparation

Training Methods and Techniques

  • Lectures
  • Group discussions
  • Case studies

Course Language

  • Both English and Arabic languages will be used

Assessment method

  • Multiple choice examinations (CIEH)

Accreditation body

  • British Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)

Advanced suggested courses for safety in the workplace progression upon completion of this course
CIEH level 3 in Health and Safety in the Workplace

Handouts and Certificates will be provided